Let’s work together!

Whether its a photo session, technical consulting, or something else, we’ll find time ⏳

photo session

  • 3 hours session for product, real estate, portrait, headshot, or nature photos.


    • Basic photo editing, lighting, and retouching.

    • One location

    • 15 photos, additional photos for negotiable price (min $15)

    Have a different vision? Drop me a line and we’ll figure it out!

  • $400 for corporate or professionals. Sliding scale available for individuals.

    By the hour pricing $100/hr, pricing negotiable.

technical consulting

  • Initial 15 minute consultation to learn about your goals, and values. I’ll share initial thoughts on how we can make your vision a success, and we can cover pricing and further details.

  • $0 for initial 15 minute consultation. After learning about your project we can discuss timeline and fees.

    Starting at $72 per hour for commercial/corporate consulting.

    Sliding scale available for individuals.

something else

  • Let’s chat it up! What can I help you with?

  • $0 for initial 15 minute meeting.

    Starting at $72 per hour for commercial/corporate consulting, sliding scale available for individuals.
