Through leading workshops…

with heads of T&S departments and their end-user moderators I’ve come to understand the particularly demanding challenges that go into thoughtful moderation. I know what world-class T&S teams do right; what guiding principles and tools help their brands, communities, and moderators stay safe. To my absolute pleasure, I’ve been able to consult these teams and design solutions with them, leveraging AI tools, analytics dashboards, and moderation queue systems that make their workflows safer, and more effective.

Through my work I’ve learned how many behaviors, harmful and healthy, manifest online and worked with T&S researchers and policy owners to create the most thoughtful ways to take action on them. Content moderation is brutal and delicate, and each platform deserves a nuanced approach that fits their community. It is critical to strive to provide T&S that does not create more pain for users, or further harm already marginalized groups. When this balance is achieved you’ll quickly see a value, retention, and revenue return on your investment.

By labeling data, working with researchers, and creating solutions that support identifying, taking-action on, and appealing at both the content and user level, I’ve gained expertise in creating moderation strategies for the areas below. I am also able to help as a guide for identifying, reporting, and storing content to comply with the EU Digital Services Act (DSA).

click to explore common behaviors

  • Hate speech

    Insulting and bullying content



    Sexual content

    Solicitation of sex and drugs

    Radicalization and white supremacy

    Threats and physical violence

    Child grooming

    CSAM discussion

    Violent misogyny

  • Teaching


    Invite and acknowledge



    Rapport building

A former Solution Engineer at a Trust and Safety vendor, I’ve had the unique opportunity to see into what are generally “locked” rooms. I’ve worked with prospective customers in gaming, dating, e-commerce, and social media to learn their T&S workflows and help them improve their ability to protect their communities. If you’d like to learn more about T&S or contact me about T&S consulting and best practices, please contact me.